
WHO IS CHRIST? (according to Alice Bailey)

Alice Bailey describes Christ as follows:

« Bodhisattva is the name of the office which is at present occupied by the Lord Maitreya, Who is known in the Occident as the Christ.  This office might be translated as that of World Teacher.  The Bodhisattva is the Head of all the religions of the world, and the Master of the masters and the Teacher of angels and of men. »
(Book "Letters on occult meditation", glossary)

« Around Him—in that High Place on Earth where He has His abiding place [in the Himalayas] are gathered today all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and they stand ready to carry out His bidding and to obey Him, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of Angels and of men»
(Book "The reappearance of Christ", chapter 3, p.37)

« Master Kuthumi is in line for the office of World Teacher when the present holder of that office [Lord Christ-Maitreya] vacates it for higher work, and the sixth root-race comes into being»
(Book "Initiation human and solar", chapter 6, p.54)

« Christ used the body of the initiate Jesus, taking possession of it at the time of the Baptism. »
(Book "Treatise on the Cosmic Fire", 2nd part, section E-VI-2)

So we see that Alice Bailey describes Christ as a very evolved human currently embodied in a physical body, living in the Himalayan region and who is the Master of the masters, and his chief lieutenant is Master Kuthumi, who in the future will take his place as the "World Teacher".


Because in the true esoteric teaching Christ is NOT a person, is a Divine Consciousness, and that, Blavatsky specified several times since she wrote:

« Christ is neither the God personified of the Churches, nor yet the Jesus of the Gospels; it is only an impersonal Principle. »
(Article "The Kabalah and Kabalists")

« No true theosophist will accept the existence of a carnalised Christ. »
(Article "On Pseudo-Theosophy")

« Christ in the esoteric philosophy is an impersonal principle entirely distinct from any carnalised messiah. »
(Note in response to Abbe Roca)

« I have continually written that the divine Christ (or Christos) has never existed under a human form outside the imagination of individuals who have materialized that universal and entirely impersonal principle. »
(Reply to the misconceptions of Abbe Roca)

And this was also specified by Master Kuthumi who wrote:

« The real Christ is the Vach (the "mystical voice") while the man Jeshu was a human like us, but who became a great adept more by his purity and ignorance of real Evil, than by what he had learned with his initiated Rabbis»
(ML 59, p.344)

And not only the Theosophical instructors affirm this, but also affirm this other instructors that I respect, such as the case of Master Pasteur who mentioned the following:

« I would like so much to bring into your minds the notion of universality and omnipresence, so that you understand that Christ is everywhere. And Christ is in Jesus, but he is also in each of the great spiritual Teachers who have come to guide you.

Understand that you cannot limit what has not limits, and to seek Christ by idolizing his form is to move away from where he is. »
(Conference 24.06.87)

And this was also affirmed by the angels in the book Talking with Angels because in this book the angels said:

« Christ is the divine Light that shines above everything»
(Dialogue 75)

And that is why this Divine Consciousness which is known in the West as Christ needs a highly evolved human when he needs to descend on Earth, because this Divine Consciousness cannot be incarnated in a physical body because his very high level does not allow it.

And that was the task of Jesus two thousand years ago to have served as a "vehicle" for Christ.

So why does Alice Bailey describe Christ as if he were a person?

And the answer is because she copied this lie to Charles Leadbeater, who deformed the esoteric concept of Christ as a cosmic principle, to invent a fictional character, which he says is the chief of all the masters and he is called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" or "Maitreya the Christ".

And as proof, here is what Leadbeater wrote about this character:

« Lord Maitreya the Christ is currently carrying a body of the Celtic sub-race. He is the current Bodhisattva, the Instructor of the world, and he lives in the Himalayas.

Master Kuthumi is his chief lieutenant and in many centuries he will succeed Lord Christ-Maitreya in his highest office, and Kuthumi will become the Instructor of the world and the Bodhisattva of the sixth root-race.

The Lord Christ-Maitreya has been called repeatedly the Instructor of angels and men, and when he deems it necessary, he sends one of his disciples to teach a new modality of eternal truths, or in other words, to found a new religion.

And that is why the Lord Christ occupied the body of Jesus two thousand years ago. »
(Book "The masters and the path")

And as you can see, Alice Bailey repeats exactly the same falsehoods as Leadbeater wrote. But not satisfied with repeating the lies that this trickster invented, still Alice Bailey began to invent many more lies, and some of them very delirious as ensuring that Christ would take a plane from Himalayas to come to the West:

« The Christian concept of the return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem, there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to design, location and method.

Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to (literally "the place of peace"). His coming in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many generations, watching over the sons of men.

To the orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern methods? »
(Book “The externalisation of the hierarchy”, p.575-576)


When Alice Bailey talks about "Christ," she is not referring to the manifestation of that Divine Consciousness that mentions esotericism, or the somewhat distorted interpretation that Christianity points to, but to the fictional character that Leadbeater invented, and demonstrating with this aseveration also her own cheat.

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