
WHO IS CHRIST? (according to Alice Bailey)

Alice Bailey describes Christ as follows:

« Bodhisattva is the name of the office which is at present occupied by the Lord Maitreya, Who is known in the Occident as the Christ.  This office might be translated as that of World Teacher.  The Bodhisattva is the Head of all the religions of the world, and the Master of the masters and the Teacher of angels and of men. »
(Book "Letters on occult meditation", glossary)

« Around Him—in that High Place on Earth where He has His abiding place [in the Himalayas] are gathered today all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and they stand ready to carry out His bidding and to obey Him, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of Angels and of men»
(Book "The reappearance of Christ", chapter 3, p.37)

« Master Kuthumi is in line for the office of World Teacher when the present holder of that office [Lord Christ-Maitreya] vacates it for higher work, and the sixth root-race comes into being»
(Book "Initiation human and solar", chapter 6, p.54)

« Christ used the body of the initiate Jesus, taking possession of it at the time of the Baptism. »
(Book "Treatise on the Cosmic Fire", 2nd part, section E-VI-2)

So we see that Alice Bailey describes Christ as a very evolved human currently embodied in a physical body, living in the Himalayan region and who is the Master of the masters, and his chief lieutenant is Master Kuthumi, who in the future will take his place as the "World Teacher".


Because in the true esoteric teaching Christ is NOT a person, is a Divine Consciousness, and that, Blavatsky specified several times since she wrote:

« Christ is neither the God personified of the Churches, nor yet the Jesus of the Gospels; it is only an impersonal Principle. »
(Article "The Kabalah and Kabalists")

« No true theosophist will accept the existence of a carnalised Christ. »
(Article "On Pseudo-Theosophy")

« Christ in the esoteric philosophy is an impersonal principle entirely distinct from any carnalised messiah. »
(Note in response to Abbe Roca)

« I have continually written that the divine Christ (or Christos) has never existed under a human form outside the imagination of individuals who have materialized that universal and entirely impersonal principle. »
(Reply to the misconceptions of Abbe Roca)

And this was also specified by Master Kuthumi who wrote:

« The real Christ is the Vach (the "mystical voice") while the man Jeshu was a human like us, but who became a great adept more by his purity and ignorance of real Evil, than by what he had learned with his initiated Rabbis»
(ML 59, p.344)

And not only the Theosophical instructors affirm this, but also affirm this other instructors that I respect, such as the case of Master Pasteur who mentioned the following:

« I would like so much to bring into your minds the notion of universality and omnipresence, so that you understand that Christ is everywhere. And Christ is in Jesus, but he is also in each of the great spiritual Teachers who have come to guide you.

Understand that you cannot limit what has not limits, and to seek Christ by idolizing his form is to move away from where he is. »
(Conference 24.06.87)

And this was also affirmed by the angels in the book Talking with Angels because in this book the angels said:

« Christ is the divine Light that shines above everything»
(Dialogue 75)

And that is why this Divine Consciousness which is known in the West as Christ needs a highly evolved human when he needs to descend on Earth, because this Divine Consciousness cannot be incarnated in a physical body because his very high level does not allow it.

And that was the task of Jesus two thousand years ago to have served as a "vehicle" for Christ.

So why does Alice Bailey describe Christ as if he were a person?

And the answer is because she copied this lie to Charles Leadbeater, who deformed the esoteric concept of Christ as a cosmic principle, to invent a fictional character, which he says is the chief of all the masters and he is called "Lord Christ-Maitreya" or "Maitreya the Christ".

And as proof, here is what Leadbeater wrote about this character:

« Lord Maitreya the Christ is currently carrying a body of the Celtic sub-race. He is the current Bodhisattva, the Instructor of the world, and he lives in the Himalayas.

Master Kuthumi is his chief lieutenant and in many centuries he will succeed Lord Christ-Maitreya in his highest office, and Kuthumi will become the Instructor of the world and the Bodhisattva of the sixth root-race.

The Lord Christ-Maitreya has been called repeatedly the Instructor of angels and men, and when he deems it necessary, he sends one of his disciples to teach a new modality of eternal truths, or in other words, to found a new religion.

And that is why the Lord Christ occupied the body of Jesus two thousand years ago. »
(Book "The masters and the path")

And as you can see, Alice Bailey repeats exactly the same falsehoods as Leadbeater wrote. But not satisfied with repeating the lies that this trickster invented, still Alice Bailey began to invent many more lies, and some of them very delirious as ensuring that Christ would take a plane from Himalayas to come to the West:

« The Christian concept of the return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem, there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to design, location and method.

Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to (literally "the place of peace"). His coming in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many generations, watching over the sons of men.

To the orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern methods? »
(Book “The externalisation of the hierarchy”, p.575-576)


When Alice Bailey talks about "Christ," she is not referring to the manifestation of that Divine Consciousness that mentions esotericism, or the somewhat distorted interpretation that Christianity points to, but to the fictional character that Leadbeater invented, and demonstrating with this aseveration also her own cheat.


Now that I started studying Max Heindel's teachings, I discovered that Alice Bailey copied him several diagrams.

Starting with one of the Alice Bailey's most famous diagrams, where she presents the seven planes of the solar system, with the correspondences that exist between those plans and the different bodies of man.

And that diagram was presented in her book "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire" (1925):

(This is in Part 1, Section C-4-2, p.117)

But that diagram is almost identical to the diagram that Max Heindel had already presented 16 years earlier in his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception" (1909):

(This is in chapter 1, p.54)

Even the curly braces “}” that Max Heindel put on the right of his diagram, Alice Bailey copied them!

And some people will tell me that Max Heindel did not put the triangles in his diagram, but in fact, he did it, but he put them in another diagram in which he tried to explain how the process of reciting the Lord Player influences the different human bodies:

(This is in chapter 17, p.465)

And coincidentally Alice Bailey in her book "Treatise on Cosmic Fire" put a diagram very similar to Heindel's diagram, and she titled it: "The Science of Meditation":

(This is in part 2, section D-3-2, p.758)


And this is further evidence that Alice Bailey lied when she claimed that her books had been telepathically dictated to her by a great Tibetan master, because it makes no sense that a high-ranking Lama, who lived in a Himalayan monastery, he had copied the schemas that an American had published sixteen years before, and based on the lies that a former British priest had invented.

While instead it makes much more sense to consider that Alice Bailey to produce her books, she copied what the other Western esoteric writers had published (Leadbeater, Heindel, etc.). And to gain more prestige, she invented the lie that her books had been telepathically dictated by the "Tibetan Master."


In her book “The Externalization of the Hierarchy,” Alice Bailey wrote about the nuclear weapon.

And according to Alice Bailey, the atomic bomb was invented by the Masters of Wisdom:

« The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group. »

(Section four - stages in the externalization of the hierarchy, p.548)

Which is false, because the Masters of Wisdom advocate Universal Brotherhood and they are against violence. As the Master Jesus said:

“Forgive your enemies and if they slap you, turn the other cheek.”

And Alice Bailey affirms that the atomic bomb will serve to establish a New World Order:

« As the forerunner of that release of energy which will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilizations and their emerging cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilization. »
(Section four - stages in the externalization of the hierarchy, p.548)

This is also contrary to the objectives of Masters of Wisdom, because it is not about unifying (and less using violence), but about respecting the diversity that exists among humans.

And although it seems incredible, Alice Bailey was happy that the United States exploded its atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (causing the death of 250'000 Japanese and 130'000 wounded):

« I would like at this time to touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the release of atomic energy, as related in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in connection with the bombing of Japan.

Some years ago I told you that the new era would be ushered in by the scientists of the world and that the inauguration of the kingdom of God on Earth would be heralded by means of successful scientific investigation.

By this first step in the releasing of the energy of the atom this has been accomplished, and my prophecy has been justified during this momentous year of our Lord 1945.

Let me make one or two statements anent this discovery, leaving you to make your own application and deductions.

Little as to the true nature of this happening is as yet known, and still less is understood. Certain ideas and suggested thoughts may be of real value here and enable you to see this stupendous event in better perspective.
_ _ _

One of those statements is that none of the men involved in the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically [Alice Bailey refers to the leaders of Nazi Germany and its European allies]; they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to realize.

It is not so in the case of the Japanese, whose psychological make-up is totally different, as are their nervous systems, which are of fourth root race quality. They will be and are being defeated by physical war measures and by the destruction physically of their war potential and the death of the form aspect.

This destruction and the consequent release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population.
(Section three - Forces behind the evolutionary progress of the race, p. 491 y 495-496)


Aside from how horrifying Alice Bailey's opinion is, I doubt very much that she would have the same complacency if it had been her family and her loved ones who had died from the atomic bomb.

As Master Jesus said:

“Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you”

And one more observation as an anecdote: the instructors of the United Lodge of Theosophists in England point out that Mary Bailey (who was the second wife of Foster Bailey after he widowed by Alice Bailey) wrote and thought that the Chernobyl disaster was also "a wonderful day" for humanity, for reasons similar to those mentioned by Alice Bailey. So it seems to me that probably those twisted ideas were inspired by that man.


Theosophy explains that at an esoteric level, not all planets are equal, since there are planets that are more important than others, and these planets that have a particular relevance in the energetic structure of the solar system are called in the occultism:

“The Sacred Planets”

And as Alice Bailey pretended to be a great esotericist, she gave the following classification of the planets of our solar system:

Sacred planets


Non-sacred planets


(This is found in her book “Esoteric Psychology”, volume I, part two, chapter III, section 2 entitled: “The Ray of Planet Earth”, p.335, the first edition was printed in 1936)


Because the Masters and Blavatsky in the book “The Secret Doctrine” they pointed out that:

« The sacred planets are: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, the Sun and the Moon. »

(Volume I, p.575, 1888)

We see that the sacred planets correspond to the planets used by ancient astrology. Which has much logic, since astrology (and despite all the alterations that have been made) is a very deep hermetic science and that is why the ancient astrologers knew the importance of these planets.

And contrary to what modern skeptics claim, the ancient sages knew that the sun and the moon were NOT planets. However, they used them in their classification for hidden reasons, as Blavatsky points out:

« This classification is accepted only for astrological purposes. While the true classification (which is kept in secret) differs from this, since the Sun, being the central star (and not a planet) has an even deeper and more mysterious relationship with our Earth chain than is generally known.

Neither the Earth, nor its satellite, the Moon, nor even the stars, for another reason, were more than substitutes used for esoteric purposes. »
(Secret Doctrine I, p.575)

The Sun and the Moon were used to represent two sacred planets that are still unknown today.

Why did Alice Bailey give that wrong classification?

Because she based on Leadbeater's erroneous teachings. And if you see the following table, you will realize that they are the same planets that Alice Bailey designated as sacred planets, only the planet Earth changed for Mercury.




This table was elaborated by the researcher Arthur Powell and published in his book “The Solar System” in 1930 (six years before Alice Bailey published her book “Esoteric Psychology”). And this table was elaborated in based on what Leadbeater had written in his book “A Textbook of Theosophy” (1912).

But the detail is that this structure is completely false and was invented by Leadbeater for the reasons that I explain here. (Later I will put this article)


If Alice Bailey had been the messenger of the Masters as she pretended to be, then she would have mentioned the same sacred planets that appear in the Secret Doctrine, but we see that in reality she read the Arthur Powell’s book to elaborate her supposed esoteric classification, and to top it off, she did not even realize that what Leadbeater taught was false !!!


In a previous article, I showed that the list of the sacred planets taught by Alice Bailey is incorrect and she relied on the lies that Leadbeater invented to elaborate her false classification (see link).

But a defender of Alice Bailey called Patrick Chouinard replied me:

« You are mistaken. Bailey did not base her classification on Leadbeater. Even HPB wrote that the Sun is a veil for Vulcan and/or Uranus. Bailey rejected much that Leadbeater wrote. For example, in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (1925) she rejects Leadbeater's claim that Mars and Mercury are part of the Earth chain. There is solid basis for Bailey's classification in HPB's writings. See https://m.facebook.com/groups/363230130479134?view=permalink&id=595953133873498&refid=18&__tn__=-R »

I clicked this link, but there, he proves nothing, he only lucubrate putting some excerpts from what Alice Bailey wrote about the sacred planets, plus other excerpts from what Blavatsky wrote, and an excerpt from what the researcher David Pratt wrote.

But at no time does he prove that Alice Bailey's list is correct!

Instead, I am going to prove that his statements are false.

1. Because to start, I ask Patrick Chouinard to tell us exactly in which part of the book "A Treatise on the Cosmic Fire" Alice Bailey rejects Leadbeater's claim that Mars, Earth and Mercury belong to the same planetary chain, because I have read this book several times and nowhere I have found that, but on the contrary I have found that Alice Bailey also claimed the same lie in her book, since she wrote:

« Systemic kundalini goes forward to the vivification of these centres, and at this stage of development certain centres are more closely allied than others. Just as in connection with our planetary Logos, the three etheric planets of our chain—Earth, Mercury and Mars—form a triangle of rare importance. »
(This is in the first part, section E-V-2, p.181)

And there, clearly Alice Bailey says that our planetary chain is composed by Earth, Mercury and Mars.

But if Alice Bailey had studied a little more Theosophy than just copying what Leadbeater had written, she would know that this statement is a monumental absurdity, because the planetary chain is the equivalent to our septenary structure.

And to affirm that these three planets form part of the terrestrial chain, it would be the same as to affirm that we are composed of three different physical bodies and only four subtle bodies, which do not make any sense.

In addition, Blavatsky, William Judge and Master Kuthumi, all stated that this concept was false and those who claimed it were wrong. And this shows that Alice Bailey and Leadbeater lied when they said they were in communication with the masters because if that had been the case, then they would not have made such a mistake such huge.

2. And secondly, although it is true that Blavatsky explained that from the list of the sacred planets enunciated by the ancient sages (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Moon), three of those celestial bodies (Mars, Sun and Moon) are substitutes for three sacred planets whose identity remains secret.

And based on this asseveration, Patrick Chouinard wants to convince his readers that Alice Bailey has revealed the real list by replacing those three celestial bodies substitutes by the planets Vulcan, Uranus and Neptune, since Alice Bailey had assured that the sacred planets are:

Vulcan, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

But the detail is that if Patrick Chouinard would have read what Blavatsky had explained and not just copy a little excerpt, then he would have noticed that Blavatsky had also pointed out that Uranus and Neptune are NOT sacred planets, since she wrote:

« Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury, and Venus, the four exoteric planets, and the three others, which must remain unnamed, were the heavenly bodies in direct astral and psychic communication with the Earth, its Guides, and Watchers — morally and physically; the visible orbs furnishing our Humanity with its outward and inward characteristics, and their “Regents” or Rectors with our Monads and spiritual faculties.

But in order to avoid creating new misconceptions, let it be stated that among the three secret orbs (or star-angels) [i.e., the three sacred planets that have not yet been revealed] neither Uranus nor Neptune entered; not only because they were unknown under these names to the ancient Sages, but because they, as all other planets, however many there may be, are the gods and guardians of other septenary chains of globes within our systems. Nor do the two last discovered great planets depend entirely on the Sun like the rest of the planets»
(Secret Doctrine I, p.575)

~ * ~

And this is an example of how the Alice Bailey’s defenders manipulate the information to coax other people and to avoid confronting to the sad reality that much of what Alice Bailey wrote are pure falsehoods.


Alice Bailey wants to make her followers believe that the Masters of Shamballa know very little about reincarnation and they are totally ignorant about how reincarnation works.

And that is why Alice Bailey in her book "The Reappearance of the Christ", she claims that Djwal Khul stated the following asseveration:

« The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands.

Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we [the Masters] know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult organizations.

The Law exists; but the details of its working, we [the Masters] know as yet nothing. Only a few things can be said with accuracy about it and these few warrant no contradiction. »
(Chapter five: “The teachings of the Christ”, p.117-118)

But this statement by Alice Bailey is false because when you study The Original Theosophy (which is the true esoteric teaching transmitted by the Masters) you realize that the Masters know enormously about reincarnation. And in the blog Esoteric I will go detailing the extraordinary teaching they gave us about the reincarnation.

For example, in this other article, I have compiled the information Master Kuthumi gave about reincarnation, and if you read it, you will be able to verify that he has a very deep knowledge on that subject (see link).

But also what Alice Bailey says often is opposite what Master Kuthumi taught, for example:

1) Alice Bailey stated:

« Some Egos cycle through their incarnations and their pralayas very rapidly; others spend untold aeons, and hence it is impossible to say that there are even "averages" connected with the appearance of Egos on the physical plane»
(A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p.1036)

This is false because the masters and their disciples did reveal that average.

2) And also Alice Bailey assured that:

« The periods in which the spiritual man is out of incarnation and has withdrawn into egoic consciousness. They practically do not exist for the one who is little evolved, since they pass cyclically and with amazing speed inside and outside the incarnation

Life interludes, or those periods where in the spiritual man is out of incarnation, and has withdrawn into the egoic consciousness. These, for the little evolved, are practically non-existent; they cycle in and out of incarnation with amazing rapidity»
(A Treatise on White Magic, p.513)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that on average the duration to reincarnate is 1200 to 1500 years.

3) And also Alice Bailey stated that:

« Basically, it is not desire which prompts return but will and knowledge of the plan»
(Esoteric Astrology, p.324)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that one of the main factors that drives souls to want to reincarnate is the strength of Tanha (which in Sanskrit means the desire to have earthly experiences).

4) And also Alice Bailey assured that:

« It is not the need for achieving an ultimate perfection which goads the ego on to experience in form, for the ego is already perfect»
(Esoteric Astrology, p.324)

This is incorrect because Master Kuthumi explained that humans at the beginning of their evolution are like “cosmic seeds,” that is, they already contain in them the full potential to become divine beings, but there is still nothing built into them, and that is why humans have to reincarnate, in order to carry out that development.

5) And also Alice Bailey wrote that:

« An instance of this inaccurate and foolish attempt to throw light upon the theory of rebirth, can be seen in the time limits imposed upon departed human souls, between incarnation on the physical plane, and the return to physical rebirth - so many years of absence are proclaimed, dependent upon the age of the departed soul, and its place upon the ladder of evolution.

If, we are told, the soul is very advanced, absence from the physical plane is prolonged, whereas the reverse is the case. Advanced souls, and those whose intellectual capacity is rapidly developing, come back with great rapidity, owing to their sensitive response to the pull and obligations, interests and responsibilities already established upon the physical plane»
(Esoteric Healing, p.403)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that more your life on Earth has been enriching in knowledge, experiences, development, spirituality and positive karma. More time you will remain in the divine world before reincarnating again. And only in exceptional cases the humans quickly reincarnate.

~ * ~

And this shows that Alice Bailey was very ignorant of how reincarnation works, but it also shows that Alice Bailey was not a Master Kuthumi's disciple as she intended, because if she had truly been her disciple, then she would have taught same teachings and not the lies she put in her books.